Tassets of the Dawning Sky is a Unique Pants. It can be used by any class.
The Tassets of the Dawning Sky are a unique pair of pants that have recently become more valuable due to updates enhancing their special attributes. They offer a solid boost to all stats, providing bonuses like increased movement speed, maximum resistances, and more, making them versatile for various character classes.
Their standout feature is the ability to temporarily increase maximum resistance to specific non-physical damage types after taking damage, making them particularly useful for tanky builds. While newer items may outshine them, these pants are still a strong option, especially for players who haven't acquired more powerful alternatives.
When you take damage from a Non-Physical damage type, you gain [8 - 12]% Maximum Resistance to that damage type for 6 seconds. This effect can only apply to one damage type at a time.
How to get Tassets of the Dawning Sky
You can farm this unique from The Beast in the Ice
“May the Light of Father Inarius shine down upon all weary travelers of this holy land. Turn your face toward his radiance and find your strength renewed.” - Statue Inscription