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Broodmother's Stinger
Rare Dagger
  • +20.0% Damage to Close Enemies
Broodmother's Stinger
"The scorpion Nine-Eyes is known as "The Terror of the Sands" for good reason. Her tail can pierce the strongest armor, and her poison melts flesh in seconds." - Field Notes of an Unknown Iron Wolf
patch 1.5.0-ptr
Qin's Captivating Eye
Rare Focus
  • 7.0% Cooldown Reduction
Qin's Captivating Eye
Even removed from the demon's body, the eye continues to weave its hypnotic patterns.
patch 1.5.0-ptr
Mace of Blazing Furor
Rare Mace
  • +52.5% Overpower Damage
Mace of Blazing Furor
The handle of this white-hot mace bears soot marks in the shape of a clenched fist.
patch 1.5.0-ptr
Rare Sword
  • +17.5% Critical Strike Damage
"While the origins of this accursed blade are lost to time, there is no question that wielding its dark power leaves an indelible stain on one's soul." - Barrett's Book of Implements
patch 1.5.0-ptr
Wand of Abe-Mari
Rare Wand
  • +10.0% Lucky Hit Chance
Wand of Abe-Mari
"So skilled was Abe-Mari at divination, they predicted the date of their own death; a skill that proved so ruinous that no mage since has attempted the feat." - Excerpt from Secrets of the Mage-Clans
patch 1.5.0-ptr
Infernal Edge
Rare 2-Handed Sword
  • +35.0% Critical Strike Damage
Infernal Edge
This massive sword's edge grows keener and its promises of power grow louder with each life taken.
patch 1.5.0-ptr
Blind Man's Bell
Rare Amulet
  • +[20.0 - 25.0]% Resistance to All Elements
Blind Man's Bell
"Even after he was put to death, some children swore they could still hear his bell ringing softly in the breeze on moonless nights." - Greenslade's Tales, Chapter 5: "The Myth of Blind Odwyn"
patch 1.5.0-ptr
Necklace of Inevitability
Rare Amulet
  • +[20.0 - 25.0]% Resistance to All Elements
Necklace of Inevitability
This vile necklace of charred goat's teeth paradoxically contains both the power to extend life as well as cut it short.
patch 1.5.0-ptr
Eye of Enkil
Rare Amulet
  • +[20.0 - 25.0]% Resistance to All Elements
Eye of Enkil
"A foul spell of desire was woven into the statue's stone. Its idolaters were helpless as their souls were ripped from their bodies to animate its writhing form." - Field Notes of Brother Darmont
patch 1.5.0-ptr
Captain's Ragged Boots
Rare Boots
  • Attacks Reduce Evade's Cooldown by 1.5 Seconds
Captain's Ragged Boots
"The Captain was bleeding from at least three bite wounds, sweating from the poison and barely able to walk, but he never stopped searching for his lost comrades." - Eulogy for Captain Willcocks
patch 1.5.0-ptr
Gur's Freezing Armor
Rare Chest Armor
Gur's Freezing Armor
"Favored by Pitiless Gur, this heavy armor remains painfully cold to the touch, even in the hottest of climates." - Barrett's Book of Implements
patch 1.5.0-ptr
Haunted Crossbow
Rare 2-Handed Crossbow
  • +32.0% Vulnerable Damage
Haunted Crossbow
"Those who came before shall bear witness to your deeds." - Inscription on the hilt
patch 1.5.0-ptr
Outcast's Handwraps
Rare Gloves
Outcast's Handwraps
Those foolish few Monks who abuse their training for personal gain are banished from the Floating Sky Monastery and forced to wander the harsh and unforgiving lands beyond.
patch 1.5.0-ptr
Bloodspiller's Helm
Rare Helm
Bloodspiller's Helm
"There is nothing better in life than to stand alone, painted red, atop a hill made from the bodies of your enemies." - Zarozar the Mighty
patch 1.5.0-ptr
Manhunter's Breeches
Rare Pants
  • While Injured, Your Potion Also Grants 30% Movement Speed for 2 Seconds
Manhunter's Breeches
Wearing these gore-drenched leggings fills your mind with a single overwhelming desire: to hunt.
patch 1.5.0-ptr
Blood-Cursed Band
Rare Ring
  • +[7.5 - 10.0]% Shadow Resistance
  • +[7.5 - 10.0]% Resistance to All Elements
Blood-Cursed Band
"Unhand me, filth! A single drop of my blood is worth an ocean of yours! Within it churns a power you could never hope to understand!" - Lord Eònan, last words
patch 1.5.0-ptr
Trembling Ring
Rare Ring
  • +[7.5 - 10.0]% Shadow Resistance
  • +[7.5 - 10.0]% Resistance to All Elements
Trembling Ring
"Dearest Will, this ring is like my love for you. Both have no end. May this ring keep you safe and help keep me in your heart during your travels. - Lucya" - Inscription on the band
patch 1.5.0-ptr
Ring of Splintered Wood
Rare Ring
  • +[7.5 - 10.0]% Shadow Resistance
  • +[7.5 - 10.0]% Resistance to All Elements
Ring of Splintered Wood
Even the slightest touch leaves painful splinters burrowed in the flesh.
patch 1.5.0-ptr
Grotesque Loop
Rare Ring
  • +[7.5 - 10.0]% Poison Resistance
  • +[7.5 - 10.0]% Resistance to All Elements
Grotesque Loop
A malformed collection of bone, flesh and a strange, hardened ichor, this ring-shaped object almost seems to have been grown, rather than crafted.
patch 1.5.0-ptr
Staff of Elemental Command
Rare Staff
  • +35.0% Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies
Staff of Elemental Command
A powerful relic once belonging to Jazreth the Summoner, this staff was thought lost forever.
patch 1.5.0-ptr

