
Bash the enemy with your weapon, dealing [30% - 42%] damage. After bashing enemies 4 times, your next Bash will Stun for 1.25 seconds, this increases to 2 seconds if using a Two-Handed weapon.


Flay the enemy, dealing [5% - 7%] damage and inflicting [40% - 56%] Bleeding damage over 5 seconds.


Unleash a rapid flurry of blows, dealing [22% - 30%] damage with each pair of hits. If Frenzy hits an enemy, its Attack Speed is increased by +20% for 3 seconds, up to +60%.

Lunging Strike

Lunge forward and strike an enemy for [33% - 45%] damage.


Shapeshift into a Werewolf and claw at an enemy for [22% - 31%] damage.

Earth Spike

Sunder the earth, impaling the first enemy hit for [17% - 24%] damage.


Shapeshift into a Werebear and maul enemies in front of you, dealing [22% - 31%] damage.

Storm Strike

Electricity gathers around your weapon, dealing [20% - 28%] damage to your target and chaining to up to 3 surrounding enemies, dealing 20% less damage each time it chains. You gain 15% Damage Reduction for 3 seconds after dealing damage with Storm Strike.

Wind Shear

Conjure a piercing blade of wind, dealing [18% - 25%] damage.

Bone Splinters

Fire 3 bone splinters, dealing [9% - 13%] damage each. Each subsequent time an enemy is hit by the same cast of Bone Splinters, you gain 1 Essence.


Tear the flesh from an enemy, dealing [33% - 46%] damage per second and forming a usable Corpse with the flesh every 1.5 seconds.


Burst an enemy's blood, dealing [27% - 38%] damage. Hemorrhage has a 20% chance to form a Blood Orb.


Sweep an ethereal scythe in front of you, dealing [13% - 18%] damage. Hitting an enemy with Reap increases your Damage Reduction by 15% for 2 seconds.

Blade Shift

Quickly stab your victim for [16% - 22%] damage and shift, allowing you to move freely through enemies for 3 seconds.

Forceful Arrow

Fire a powerful arrow at an enemy, dealing [22% - 31%] damage. Every 3rd cast makes the enemy Vulnerable for 3 seconds.


Fire an arrow that seeks an enemy, dealing [24% - 34%] damage and increasing your Critical Strike Chance against them by 5% for 4 seconds, up to 15%.

Invigorating Strike

Melee attack an enemy, dealing [25% - 35%] damage and increasing Energy Regeneration by 20% for 3 seconds.


Throw blades a short distance, dealing [21% - 29%] damage. Every 3rd cast Slows enemies by 20% for 2 seconds. Critical Strikes will always Slow.

Arc Lash

Unleash arcing lightning that deals [42% - 59%] damage to enemies in front of you. Every 10 times Arc Lash swipes, it Stuns all enemies hit for 2 seconds.
When you use a Cooldown, enemies around you are Stunned for [0.5 - 0.7] seconds.

Fire Bolt

Hurl a flaming bolt, dealing [18% - 22%] damage and Burning for [44% - 62%] damage over 8 seconds.
Direct damage from Skills applies additional [23% - 33%] Burning damage over 8 seconds.

Frost Bolt

Throw a bolt of frost at an enemy, dealing [38% - 53%] damage and Chilling them for 15%.
Direct damage from Skills applies up to [15% - 21%] Chill.


Launch a bolt of lightning that shocks an enemy 4 times, dealing [10% - 14%] damage each hit.
Killing an enemy has a [14% - 18%] chance to form a Crackling Energy.

Double Swing

Sweep your weapons from opposite directions, dealing [50% - 66%] damage with each weapon. Enemies caught in the center are damaged by both.

Hammer of the Ancients

Slam your hammer down with the fury of the Ancients, dealing [50% - 70%] damage to a concentrated area.


Cleave enemies in front of you, dealing [12% - 17%] damage and inflicting [96% - 134%] Bleeding damage over 5 seconds.


Tear into the ground with your weapon and fling debris forward, dealing [77% - 105%] damage.


Rapidly attack surrounding enemies for [17% - 24%] damage.

Challenging Shout

Taunt Nearby enemies and gain [40% - 48%] Damage Reduction for 6 seconds.

Ground Stomp

Smash the ground, dealing [10% - 13%] damage and Stunning surrounding enemies for 3 seconds.

Iron Skin

Steel yourself, gaining a Barrier that absorbs [50% - 70%] of your missing Life for 5 seconds.

Rallying Cry

Bellow a rallying cry, increasing your Movement Speed by +30% and Resource Generation by x [40% - 56%] for 6 seconds, and Nearby allies for 3 seconds.


Become Unstoppable and rush forward, pushing enemies with you and then swinging through them dealing [25% - 35%] damage and Knocking them back.


Throw a powerful kick that deals 18% damage and Knocks Back enemies in front of you. Enemies who are Knocked Back into terrain take an additional 54% damage and are Stunned for 3 seconds.


Leap forward and then slam down, dealing [33% - 46%] damage and Knocking Back surrounding enemies on impact.

War Cry

Bellow a mighty war cry, increasing your damage dealt by x [15% - 21%] for 6 seconds, and Nearby allies for 3 seconds.

Death Blow

Attempt a killing strike, dealing [120% - 168%] damage to enemies in front of you. If this kills an enemy, its Cooldown is reset.


Skewer enemies in front of you, dealing 13% damage, then rip your weapon out, damaging enemies for their total Bleeding amount and removing all Bleeding damage from them.

Steel Grasp

Thow out a trio of chains that deal [23% - 32%] damage and Pull In enemies.

Call of the Ancients

Call upon 3 Ancients to aid you in battle for 6 seconds.
- Korlic leaps at enemies, dealing 104% damage and swings his weapons in a frenzy, dealing 39% damage per hit.
- Talic spins in a whirlwind rapidly attacking enemies for 65% damage.
- Madawc upheaves the ground, dealing 195% damage.

Iron Maelstrom

Activate three times to attach chains to each of your weapons and perform an attack:
- First your Two-Handed Bludgeoning weapon slams into the ground, dealing 60% damage and Stunning enemies for 2 seconds.
- Next, your Two-Handed Slashing weapon swiped in front of you, dealing 20% damage and inflicting 120% Bleeding damage over 5 seconds.
- Finally, your Dual Wield weapons swing around you, dealing 33% damage per hit.

Wrath of the Berserker

Explode into rage, Knocking Back surrounding enemies and gaining Berserking and Unstoppable for 5 seconds. For the next 10 seconds, dealing direct damage with Basic Skills grants Berserking for 5 seconds.

Aggressive Resistance

Gain [4% - 12%] Damage Reduction while Berserking.

Battle Fervor

When a Brawling Skill damages at least one enemy, gain Berserking for [1 - 3] seconds.

Booming Voice

Your Shout Skill effect durations are increased by x [8% - 24%] .

Brute Force

Your Overpowers deal x [15% - 45%] increased damage when using a Two-Handed weapon.


Lucky Hit: Skills using Bludgeoning weapons have up to a [10% - 30%] chance to Stun enemies for 3 seconds, or up to a [15% - 45%] chance when using a Two-Handed Bludgeoning weapon.


While you have Fortify for over 50% of your Maximum Life, you deal x [4% - 12%] increased damage.

Cut to the Bone

Your Bleeding effects deal x [5% - 15%] increased damage to Vulnerable enemies.

Defensive Stance

Increase the Damage Reduction gained while you are Fortified by an additional + [2% - 6%] .


Attack Speed is increased by + [3% - 9%] while using One-Handed weapons.

Endless Fury

Basic Skills generate x [7% - 21%] more Fury when using Two-Handed weapons.

Expose Vulnerability

Dealing direct damage with a Weapon Mastery skill causes your next Core Skill to make enemies Vulnerable for [1 - 3] second.

Furious Impulse

Each time you swap weapons, gain [2 - 6] Fury.

Gushing Wounds

When causing an enemy to Bleed, you have a chance equal to your Critical Strike Chance to increase the Bleed amount by 115% of your Critical Strike Damage bonus. Overpowering a Bleeding enemy creates an explosion that inflicts 70% Bleeding damage over 5 seconds.

Guttural Yell

Your Shout Skills cause enemies to deal [4% - 12%] less damage for 5 seconds.


Your Bleeding effects Slow Healthy enemies by [20% - 60%] .

Heavy Handed

While using Two-Handed weapons you deal x [5% - 15%] increased Critical Strike Damage.

Imposing Presence

Gain x [6% - 18%] additional Maximum Life.

Invigorating Fury

Heal for [3% - 9%] of your Maximum Life for each 100 Fury spent.

Martial Vigor

Damage Reduction against Elites is increased by [4% - 12%] .

No Mercy

You have + [3% - 9%] increased Critical Strike Chance against Immobilized, Stunned, or Slowed enemies.


Gain [X] Thorns. Also gain 10 Thorns for each 50 bonus Maximum Life you have.

Pit Fighter

You deal x [3% - 9%] increased damage to Close enemies and gain [2% - 6%] Distant Damage Reduction.

Pressure Point

Lucky Hit: Your Core skills have up to a [10% - 30%] chance to make enemies Vulnerable for 2 seconds.

Prolific Fury

While Berserking, Fury Generation is increased by x [6% - 18%] .

Quick Impulses

Reduce the duration of Control Impairing Effects by [6% - 18%] .

Raid Leader

Your Shouts also Heal allies for [1% - 3%] of their Maximum Life per second.

Slaying Strike

You deal x [8% - 24%] increased damage against Injured enemies.


Movement Speed is increased by + [4% - 12%] .

Tempered Fury

Increase your Maximum Fury by [3 - 9] .

Thick Skin

Each time you take direct damage gain [0.4% - 1.2%] Maximum Life as Fortify.

Tough as Nails

Increase your Thorns by + [3% - 9%] . When enemies hit you, they take an additional 10% of your Thorns as Bleeding damage over 5 seconds.

Unbridled Rage

Core Skills deal x135% increased damage, but cost x100% more Fury.


Increase Berserk's maximum duration by 5 seconds and increase its damage bonus to 60%.

Walking Arsenal

Dealing direct damage with a Two-Handed Bludgeoning, Two-Handed Slashing, or Dual Wielded weapons grants x10% increased damage for 8 seconds. While all three damage bonuses are active, you gain an additional x15% increased damage.


Your Skills using Bludgeoning weapons deal x [5% - 15%] increased damage if the enemy is Stunned or Vulnerable.


Crush enemies between 2 pillars of earth, dealing up to [75% - 105%] damage.

Lightning Storm

Conjure a growing lightning storm that deals [40% - 56%] damage per strike. The number of strikes increase the longer the storm is channeled up to a maximum of 5 at once.


Shapeshift into a Werebear and slam the ground, dealing [50% - 70%] damage to surrounding enemies.


Shapeshift into a Werewolf and perform a trio of combo attacks:
- 1st Attack: Dash towards the target and deal [25% - 35%] damage.
- 2nd Attack: Deal [35% - 49%] damage.
- 3rd Attack: Perform a larger finishing move dealing [70% - 98%] damage.


Conjure a swirling tornado that deals [35% - 49%] damage.

Blood Howl

Shapeshift into a Werewolf and howl furiously, Healing you for [20% - 26.8%] of your Maximum Life.

Cyclone Armor

Passive: Powerful winds surround you, granting [10% - 14%] Non-Physical Damage Reduction. Active: The winds rapidly expand, Knocking Back enemies and dealing [30% - 42%] damage.

Debilitating Roar

Shapeshift into a Werebear and bellow a mighty roar, reducing Nearby enemies' damage dealt by 70% for 4 seconds.

Earthen Bulwark

Rock's surround you for 3 seconds, granting a Barrier that absorbs [45% - 63%] of your Base Life in damage.


Passive: 1 Raven flies above you and periodically attacks your enemies for [24% - 29.2%] damage every 5 seconds. Active: The target area is swarmed with ravens, dealing [250% - 314%] damage over 6 seconds.

Poison Creeper

Passive: A poison creeper periodically emerges from the ground every 7 seconds and applies [36% - 50%] Poisoning damage over 6 seconds to an enemy in the area. Active: Vines strangle all surrounding enemies, Immobilizing them for 2 seconds and Poisoning them for [90% - 126%] damage over 2 seconds.


Passive: Summon 2 wolf companions that bite enemies for [11% - 14%] damage. Active: Direct your wolves to focus an enemy, leaping to them and striking for [135% - 189%] damage.


Unearth a large rolling boulder that repeatedly Knocks Back enemies, dealing [46% - 60%] damage with each hit.


Form a hurricane around you that deals [134% - 188%] damage to surrounding enemies over 8 seconds.


Shapeshift into a Werewolf and perform an infectious bite against enemies in front of you, dealing [28% - 39%] damage and applying an additional [140% - 184%] Poisoning damage over 6 seconds. Infected enemies spread Rabies to other surrounding targets.


Shapeshift into a Werebear, become Unstoppable, and charge forward, dealing [75% - 105%] damage and Knocking Back enemies. Enemies who are Knocked Back into terrain take an additional [45% - 63%] damage and are Stunned for 3 seconds.


A massive storm follows you for 10 seconds. Twisters Knock Back enemies, and lightning strikes wildly dealing 77% damage.

Grizzly Rage

Shapeshift into a Dire Werebear for 12 seconds gaining x20% bonus damage and 20% Damage Reduction. Damage bonus is increased by 3% each second while in this form. Kills extend the duration by 1 second up to 10 additional seconds.


Shapeshift into a Werewolf, become Immune and quickly dash 12 times between enemies in the area dealing up to 460% damage.


Encase all Nearby enemies in stone, Stunning them for 3.75 seconds. You deal x30% increased Critical Strike Damage to enemies affected by Petrify. Against Bosses, the Critical Strike Damage bonus is increased to x50% and its duration is increased to 7.5 seconds.


Basic Skills generate x [6% - 18%] more Spirit.

Ancestral Fortitude

You gain + [5% - 15%] Resistance to All Elements .

Bad Omen

Lucky Hit: Up to a [10% - 30%] chance when dealing damage to a Vulnerable, Immobilized or Stunned enemy that a Lightning Bolt also hits dealing 55% damage.

Bestial Rampage

After being a Werewolf for 2.5 seconds, gain +25% Attack Speed for 15 seconds. After being a Werebear for 2.5 seconds, deal x30% increased damage for 15 seconds.

Call of the Wild

Your Companion Skills deal [10% - 30%] bonus damage.

Charged Atmosphere

Every [14 - 8] seconds, a Lightning Bolt hits a Nearby enemy dealing 45% damage.

Circle of Life

Nature Magic Skills that consume Spirit Heal you for [1% - 3%] of your Maximum Life.


Gain [2 - 6] Spirit when transforming into Human form.

Crushing Earth

Earth Skills deal x [5% - 15%] increased damage to Slowed, Stunned, Immobilized or Knocked Back enemies.

Defensive Posture

Increases the amount of Fortify you gain from all sources by [5% - 15%] .


Nature Magic Skills deal x [4% - 12%] increased damage to Elites.

Digitigrade Gait

You gain + [3% - 9%] Movement Speed while in Werewolf form. This bonus persists for 3 seconds after leaving Werewolf form.

Earthen Might

Lucky Hit: Damaging enemies with Earth Skills has up to a 5% chance to:
- Restore all of your Spirit
- Cause your attacks to be guaranteed Critical Strikes for 5 seconds
This chance is increased by:
- 10% for Critical Strikes
- 10% if the target is Stunned, Immobilized, or Knocked Back

Electric Shock

Lucky Hit: Dealing Lightning damage to enemies has up to a [8% - 24%] chance to Immobilize them for 3 seconds. If the target is already Immobilized, the Lightning damage dealt to them is increased by x [7% - 21%] instead.

Elemental Exposure

Lucky Hit: Your Storm Skills have up to a 10% chance to make enemies Vulnerable for [1 - 3] seconds.

Endless Tempest

Increase the duration of Hurricane and Cataclysm by [5% - 15%] .


Poisoned enemies take x [10% - 30%] additional Critical Strike Damage.

Heart of the Wild

Maximum Spirit is increased by [3 - 9] .

Heightened Senses

Upon shapeshifting into a Werewolf or Werebear, gain [4% - 12%] Damage Reduction against Elites for 5 seconds.

Iron Fur

You gain [3% - 9%] Damage Reduction while in Werebear form. This bonus persists for 3 seconds after leaving Werebearform.

Lupine Ferocity

Every 6th Werewolf Skill hit Critically Strikes and deals x70% increased damage, increased to x140% against Injured enemies.


While in Werebear form, you receive [5% - 15%] additional Healing from all sources.

Natural Disaster

Your Earth Skills deal x [4% - 12%] increased damage to Vulnerable enemies. Your Storm Skills deal x [4% - 12%] increased damage to enemies that are Stunned, Immobilized, or Knocked Back.

Natural Fortitude

Shapeshifting Fortifies you for [1% - 5%] Maximum Life.

Nature's Fury

Casting an Earth Skill has a 30% chance to trigger a free Storm Skill of the same category, and vice versa. These free Skills count as both Earth and Storm Skills.

Nature's Reach

Deal x [3% - 9%] increased damage to Distant enemies. Double this bonus if they are also Slowed, Stunned, Immobilized, or Knocked Back.

Nature's Resolve

[5% - 15%] chance when struck to Fortify you for 4% Maximum Life.


Poisoned enemies are slowed by [8% - 24%] .

Perfect Storm

Storm Skills that you cast grant 1 Spirit and deal x15% increased damage when damaging a Vulnerable, Immobilized or Slowed enemy.

Predatory Instinct

Critical Strike Chance against Close enemies is increased by + [2% - 6%] .


When you remain in Werebear form for at least [24 - 16] seconds, your next Skill will Overpower.


When a Shapeshifting Skill transforms you into a different form, it deals x [5% - 15%] increased damage.


Nature Magic Skills deal x [2% - 6%] increased damage. Triple this bonus if an Earth Skill is the next Skill cast after a Storm Skill, or a Storm Skill is the next Skill cast after an Earth Skill.


Critical Strikes with Earth Skills Fortify you for [2% - 7%] Maximum Life.

Stone Guard

While you have Fortify for over 50% of your Maximum Life, your Earth Skills deal x [4% - 12%] increased damage.

Thick Hide

Whenever you are Stunned, Immobilized, or Knocked Down, Fortify for [6% - 20%] Maximum Life.

Toxic Claws

Critical Strikes with Werewolf Skills deal [8% - 23%] of their Base damage as Poisoning damage over 4 seconds.


Reduce the duration of Control Impairing Effects by [3% - 9%] . Triple this effect while you have Fortify for over 50% of your Maximum Life.

Ursine Strength

Gain x20% additional Maximum Life while in Werebear form and for 3 seconds after leaving Werebear form. While Healthy, deal x25% increased damage, and x25% increased Overpower damage.


You gain [5% - 15%] Damage Reduction for 6 seconds after using a Defensive Skill.

Wild Impulses

Your Core Skills cost x [3% - 9%] more Spirit but deal x [5% - 15%] increased damage.


Unleash concentrated blight that deals [30% - 42%] damage and leaves behind a defiled area, dealing [80% - 112%] damage over 6 seconds.

Blood Lance

Throw a blood lance that lingers in an enemy for 3 seconds, dealing [80% - 112%] damage to the enemy and all other lanced enemies.

Blood Surge

Draw blood from enemies, dealing [20% - 28%] damage, and expel a blood nova, dealing [50% - 70%] damage. Blood Surge's nova damage is increased by x10% per enemy drained, up to x50%.

Bone Spear

Conjure a bone spear from the ground, dealing [85% - 119%] damage and piercing through enemies.


A specter of you charges forward and attacks with its scythe for [66% - 92%] damage then returns to you and attacks again for [21% - 29%] damage.

Blood Mist

Disperse into a bloody mist, becoming Immune for 3 seconds. Your Movement Speed is reduced by 20% and you periodically deal 2% damage to enemies and Heal for [0.5% - 0.7%] of your Maximum Life.

Bone Prison

Unearth a prison of bone with [X] Life that surrounds the target area for 6 seconds.

Bone Spirit

Consume all of your Essence to conjure a spirit of bone that seeks enemies. Upon reaching an enemy, the spirit explodes, dealing [80% - 112%] damage to the target and all surrounding enemies. Damage is increased by x3% for each point of Essence spent casting Bone spirit.


Curse the target area. Enemies afflicted by Decrepify are Slowed by [40% - 51%] and deal [20% - 24%] less damage for 10 seconds.

Iron Maiden

Curse the target area. Enemies afflicted by Iron Maiden take [20% - 28%] damage each time they deal direct damage. Lasts 10 seconds.

Corpse Explosion

Detonate a Corpse, dealing [50% - 70%] damage to surrounding enemies.

Corpse Tendrils

Veins burst out of a Corpse, Pulling in enemies, Stunning them for 3 seconds, and dealing [20% - 28%] damage to them. Does not consume the Corpse.

Army of the Dead

Call forth the deep buried dead. Volatile Skeletons emerge over the next 7 seconds that explode when around enemies, dealing 45% damage.

Blood Wave

Conjure a tidal wave of blood that deals 120% damage and Knocks Back enemies.

Bone Storm

A swirling storm of bones appears around you and your Golem, dealing 180% to surrounding enemies over 10 seconds.

Raise Skeleton

You Raise a Skeleton from a Corpse to fight for you. Once all of your Skeletons have been summoned, Raise Skeleton briefly summons a Skeletal Priest to empower your Minions for 8 seconds, increasing their damage by 30% and healing them for 25% of their Maximum Life.


Passive: You are protected by a Golem with [X] Life that attacks for 21% damage. The Golem absorbs 15% of damage you would take, and recovers Life when attacking. Active: Your Golem becomes Unstoppable and drains the blood of enemies in the area, dealing 40% damage and healing 4% of its Life for each enemy drained. Damage and healing received are tripled if only one enemy is drained. When your Golem dies, it respawns after 20 seconds.

Amplify Damage

You deal x [4% - 12%] increased damage to Cursed enemies.

Bonded in Essence

Every 8 seconds, your Skeletal Priest's Healing will Heal your Skeletons for an additional [20% - 60%] of their Maximum Life.

Coalesced Blood

While Healthy your Blood Skills deal x [6% - 18%] increased damage.

Compound Fracture

After Critically Striking 10 times with Bone Skills, your Bone Skills deal x [5% - 15%] increased damage for 5 seconds.

Crippling Darkness

Lucky Hit: Darkness Skills have up to a 15% chance to Stun for [1 - 3] seconds.

Death's Defense

Your Minions gain [4% - 12%] Armor and [8% - 24%] Resistance to All Elements.

Death's Embrace

Close enemies take x [2% - 6%] more damage from you and deal [3% - 9%] less damage to you.

Death's Reach

You deal x [4% - 12%] increased damage to Distant enemies.

Drain Vitality

Lucky Hit: Hitting enemies with Blood Skills has up to a 30% chance to Fortify you for [2% - 8%] Maximum Life.


Your Bone Skills deal x [5% - 15%] increased Critical Strike Damage to Vulnerable enemies.

Fueled by Death

You deal x [3% - 9%] increased damage for 6 seconds after consuming a Corpse.


When you damage enemies with Darkness Skills, they take x [2% - 6%] increased Shadow Damage from you and your Minions for 2 seconds, stacking up to 3 times.

Golem Mastery

Increase the damage and Life of your Golem by x [25% - 75%] .

Grim Harvest

Consuming a Corpse generates [2 - 6] Essence.

Gruesome Mending

Receive + [10% - 30%] more Healing from all sources.

Hellbent Commander

Your Minions deal x [10% - 30%] increased damage while you are Close to them.

Hewed Flesh

Lucky Hit: Your damage has up to a [4% - 12%] chance to create a Corpse at the target‘s location. This chance is doubled against Bosses.

Imperfectly Balanced

Your Core Skills cost x [3% - 9%] more Essence, but deal x [5% - 15%] increased damage.

Inspiring Leader

After you have been Healthy for at least 2 seconds, you and your Minions gain + [4% - 12%] Attack Speed.

Kalan's Edict

After you have not taken damage in the last 2 seconds, your Minions gain +15% Attack Speed. While you have at least 7 Minions, this bonus is doubled.

Memento Mori

Sacrificing both Skeletal Warriors and Skeletal Mages increases their Sacrifice bonuses by [20% - 60%] .

Necrotic Carapace

When a Corpse is formed from your Skills or your Minions, Fortify for [2% - 6%] Maximum Life.

Ossified Essence

Your Bone Skills deal x0.5% increased damage for each point of Essence you have above 50 upon cast.

Rapid Ossification

Every 100 Essence you spend reduces the cooldowns of your Bone Skills by [0.5 - 1.5] seconds.

Rathma's Vigor

After being Healthy for 12 seconds, your next Blood Skill Overpowers. This timer is reduced by 2 seconds each time Blood Orbs Heal or Overheal you for an amount greater than or equal to your base Life.

Reaper's Pursuit

Damaging enemies with Darkness Skills increases your Movement Speed by + [5% - 15%] for 3 seconds.


Your Bone Skills have a + [0.3% - 0.9%] increased Critical Strike Chance for each 10 Essence you have upon cast.


Shadow damage infects enemies with Shadowblight for 2 seconds. Every 10th time an enemy receives Shadow damage from you or your Minions while they are affected by Shadowblight, they take an additional 22% Shadow damage. Shadowblight's damage is increased by x100% of your Shadow Damage over Time bonus.

Skeletal Mage Mastery

Increase the damage and Life of your Skeletal Mages by x [20% - 60%] .

Skeletal Warrior Mastery

Increase the damage and Life of your Skeletal Warriors by x [15% - 45%] .

Spiked Armor

Gain [X] Thorns.

Stand Alone

Increases Damage Reduction by [6% - 18%] when you have no minions. Each active minion reduces this bonus by 2%.


Shadow Damage deals x [3% - 9%] bonus damage to enemies who are Slowed or Chilled, and x [3% - 9%] bonus damage to enemies who are Stunned, Immobilized, or Frozen. These bonuses stack and apply to Shadow Damage dealt by your Minions.

Tides of Blood

Your Blood Skills deal x [5% - 15%] increased Overpower damage. This bonus is doubled while you are Healthy.


Lucky Hit: Blood Skills have a [3% - 9%] chance on hit to spawn a Blood Orb. This can only occur once every 4 seconds. This chance is doubled against bosses.

Unliving Energy

Your maximum Essence is increased by [3 - 9] .


Unleash a barrage of 5 arrows that expands outwards, each dealing [22% - 31%] damage. Each arrows has a 20% chance to ricochet off an enemy up to 1 time. Ricochets deal 40% of the arrow's Base damage.


Unleash a flurry of stabs and slashes, striking enemies in front of you 4 times and dealing [60% - 84%] damage to each.

Penetrating Shot

Fire an arrow that pierces through all enemies in a line, dealing [70% - 98%] damage.

Rapid Fire

Rapidly fire 5 arrows, each dealing [30% - 42%] damage.

Twisting Blades

Impale an enemy with your blades, dealing [45% - 63%] damage and making them take x8% increased damage from you while impaled. After 1.5 seconds, the blades return to you, piercing enemies for [72% - 101%] damage.


Vanishes from sight, gaining an advanced form of Stealth for 5 seconds that will not be removed by taking damage. Concealment also makes you Unstoppable, grants +30% Movement Speed, and allows you to move freely through enemies for its duration. Using an attack Skill during Concealment will break Concealment.

Dark Shroud

Surround yourself with up to 5 protective shadows. Gain [8% - 9.6%] Damage Reduction per active shadow. Each time you take direct damage, that damage is reduced and a shadow is consumed.

Poison Trap

Place a trap that arms after 1.25 seconds. It activates when an enemy moves within range, applying [396% - 536%] Poisoning damage over 9 seconds to enemies in the area. You can have 4 armed traps out at once.

Smoke Grenade

Throw a smoky concoction at enemies that Dazes them for [4 - 5.6] seconds.


Leap backwards and throw caltrops on the ground, dealing [40% - 56%] damage and Slowing enemies by [50% - 62%] . Lasts 7 seconds.


Dash forward and slash enemies for [37% - 52%] damage.

Shadow Step

Become Unstoppable and quickly move through the shadows to stab your victim from behind for [72% - 101%] damage. Gain +50% increased Movement Speed for 2 seconds afterwards.

Cold Imbuement

Imbue your weapons with frigid energies. Your next 2 Imbueable Skills deal Cold damage and Chill enemies for [25% - 35%] per hit.

Poison Imbuement

Imbue your weapons with lethal poison. Your next 2 Imbueable Skills deal Poison damage and apply [100% - 140%] of their Base damage as additional Poisoning damage over 5 seconds.

Shadow Imbuement

Imbue your weapons with festering shadows. Your next 2 Imbueable Skills deal Shadow damage and infect enemies for 6 seconds. Infected enemies explode on death, dealing [40% - 56%] damage to all surrounding enemies. If the infection expires before the enemy dies, it will deal [40% - 56%] damage to only that enemy.

Death Trap

Place a trap that arms after 1.25 seconds. It activates when an enemy moves within range, dealing 250% damage to each enemy in the area.

Rain of Arrows

Arrows rain down over a large area 2 times, each wave dealing 100% damage.

Shadow Clone

Your shadow mimicks your actions for 15 seconds. This Shadow Clone deals 60% of your damage.

Adrenaline Rush

While moving, you gain [5% - 15%] increased Energy Regeneration.


After using an Ultimate Skill, restore [30 - 90] Energy.


Using a Cooldown increases your Dodge Chance by [4% - 12%] for 3 seconds.

Alchemical Advantage

You gain + [1% - 3%] increased Attack Speed for each enemy you've Poisoned, up to +15%.

Alchemist's Fortune

Non-Physical damage you deal has a [5% - 15%] increased Lucky Hit Chance.

Chilling Weight

Chilled enemies have their Movement Speed further reduced by up to [10% - 30%] .

Close Quarters Combat

Damaging a Close enemy with Marksman or Cutthroat Skills each grant a +10% Attack Speed bonus for 8 seconds. While both Attack Speed bonuses are active, your damage dealt is increased by x40% of the total amount of your Damage vs Crowd Controlled bonus.


After Knocking Back or Knocking Down an enemy, you gain [4% - 12%] increased Critical Strike Chance against them for 3 seconds.

Consuming Shadows

Each time you kill an enemy with Shadow damage, you generate [10 - 30] Energy.

Deadly Venom

You deal [3% - 9%] increased Poisoning damage.

Debilitating Toxins

Poisoned enemies deal [5% - 15%] less damage.


You deal x [6% - 18%] increased damage to Healthy and injured enemies.


Lucky Hit: Dealing direct damage to an enemy affected by a Trap Skill has up to a 25% chance to:
- Reduce the active Cooldowns of your Trap Skills by 20%
- Drop a cluster of exploding Stun Grenades that deal 40% total Physical damage and Stun enemies for 0.50 seconds

Frigid Finesse

You deal x [5% - 15%] increased damage to Chilled enemies. This bonus increases to x [10% - 30%] against Frozen enemies.


While at or above 50% maximum Energy, gain + [5% - 15%] increased Movement Speed. While below 50% maximum Energy, gain + {value1} increased Attack Speed.


After moving 12 meters, your next non-Basic attack deals x [7% - 21%] increased damage.


Lucky Hit: Up to a [10% - 30%] chance to gain 8 Energy.


You deal x [3% - 9%] increased damage to Vulnerable enemies.

Mending Obscurity

While Stealthed, you Heal for [4% - 12%] Maximum Life per second.


Cutthroat Skills grant a stack of Momentum for 8 seconds if they either:
- Hit a Stunned, Dazed, or Frozen enemy
- Hit any enemy from behind
While at 3 stacks of Momentum you gain:
- 20% increased Damage Reduction
- x30% increased Energy Regeneration
- +15% increased Movement Speed


Critical Strikes with Marksman Skills grant you Precision. You gain x4% increased Critical Strike Damage per stack of Precision, up to a maximum of x20%. When you reach maximum Precision, your next Marksman Skill is a guaranteed Critical Strike that deals x40% increased Critical Strike Damage, then consumes all stacks of Precision.

Precision Imbuement

Imbued Skills gains [3% - 9%] increased Critical Strike Chance.

Rapid Gambits

Your Evade Cooldown is reduced by [0.5 - 1.5] seconds when you Daze an enemy.

Reactive Defense

Gain [6% - 18%] Damage Reduction while inflicted with Control Impairing Effects.


Gain [9% - 27%] Damage Reduction against Damage Over Time effects.

Second Wind

Every 100 Energy you spend grants you [5% - 15%] increased Lucky Hit Chance for 5 seconds.

Shadow Crash

Lucky Hit: Shadow damage has up to a 10% chance to Stun for [0.5 - 1.5] seconds.

Siphoning Strikes

Lucky Hit: Critical Strikes against Close enemies have up to a 85% chance to Heal for [1% - 3%] of your Maximum Life.


You gain [4% - 12%] Close Damage Reduction.

Stutter Step

Critically Striking an enemy grants + [5% - 15%] Movement Speed for 4 seconds.

Trap Mastery

When Pọison Trap or Death Trap activates, you gain [4% - 12%] increased Critical Strike Chance against Vulnerable and Crowd Controlled enemies for 4 seconds.

Trick Attacks

When you Critically Strike a Dazed enemy, they are Knocked Down for [0.5 - 1.5] seconds.


Lucky Hit: Dealing direct damage to a Vulnerable enemy has up to a 45% chance to cause an explosion, dealing 23% of the original damage to them and surrounding enemies. Victimize’s damage is increased by 120% of your Damage vs Vulnerable bonus.

Weapon Mastery

Gain a bonus when attacking based on weapon type:
- Daggers: x [5% - 15%] increased damage to Healthy enemies.
- Swords: x [3% - 9%] increased damage.
- Bows: x [4% - 12%] increased damage to Vulnerable enemies.
- Crossbows: x [5% - 15%] increased Critical Strike Damage.

Chain Lightning

Unleash a stream of lightning that deals [36% - 50%] damage and chains between Nearby enemies and you up to 5 times, prioritizing enemies.
Chain Lightning forms automatically after spending 100 Mana.

Charged Bolts

Release 5 bolts of lightning that course along the ground in an erratic pattern, dealing [30% - 42%] damage.
When you Stun an enemy, there's a 40% chance to release 3 Charged Bolts from them.


Hurl an exploding ball offire, dealing [60% - 84%] damage to surrounding enemies.
When you kill an enemy, they explode in a Fireball for 50% of its damage.

Frozen Orb

Unleash an orb that Chills and expels piercing shards, dealing [36% - 50%] damage. Upon expiration, Frọzen Orb explodes, dealing [34% - 48%] damage and Chilling enemies.
Whenever you cast a Non-Basic Skill, you have a 30% chance to launch a Frozen Orb at a Nearby enemy.

Ice Shards

Launch 5 shards that deal [25% - 35%] damage each. Deals x25% increased damage to Frozen enemies.
Ice Shards automatlcally conjure and fly towards Frozen enemies.


Channel a beam of fire, Burning enemies for [54% - 76%] damage per second. Damage per second increases over 2 seconds, up to [73% - 113%] .
Every 14 seconds, a serpent spawns and Incinerates enemies for 8 seconds.

Flame Shield

Engulf yourself in flames for [2 - 2.4] seconds, Burning surrounding enemies for [40% - 56%] damage per second. While Flame Shield is active, you are Immune.
Flame Shield automatically activates when you take fatal damage. Can only happen once every 120 seconds.

Frost Nova

Unleash a torrent of frost, Freezing enemies around you for 3 seconds.
Lucky Hit: Your Conjuration Skills have up to a 30% chance to unleash a Frost Nova when hitting enemies.

Ice Armor

A Barrier of ice forms around you for 6 seconds, absorbing [30% - 42%] of your Base Life in damage. While Ice Armor is active, 5% of your damage dealt is added to its Barrier.
Upon getting hit, you have a 5% chance apply Ice Armor.


Transform into lightning, becoming Unstoppable and surging to the target location, dealing [25% - 35%] damage around you upon arrival.
Evade is replaced with a short range Teleport on a [17 - 13.6] second Cooldown.


Summon a 3-headed hydra for 10 seconds. Each head spits fire at enemies, dealing [60% - 64%] damage. Maximum 1 active Hydras at a time.
After spending 200 Mana, a 5-headed Hydra spawns for 5 seconds.

Ice Blades

Conjure a pair of ice blades for 6.0 seconds that rapidly slash enemies for [23% - 32%] damage and have a 40% chance to make them Vulnerable for 2 seconds.
For every 40 seconds in Cooldowns you spend, you spawn an Ice Blades on a random enemy.

Lightning Spear

Conjure a spear of lightning that seeks out enemies for 6.0 seconds, dealing [15% - 21%] damage per hit.
Absorbing Crackling Energy has a 10% chance to conjure a Lightning Spear.


Summon a frigid blizzard that deals [130% - 182%] damage and continually Chills enemies for 18% over 8 seconds.
Every 15 seconds, a Blizzard forms over you and follows you for 6 seconds.


Create a wall of flames that Burns enemies for [160% - 224%] damage over 8 seconds.
Each time an enemy takes Burning damage, there's a 5% chance to spawn 2 Firewalls underneath them for 3 seconds.


Summon a meteor that strikes the target location, dealing [80% - 112%] damage and Burning the ground for [35% - 49%] damage over 3 seconds.
Lucky Hit: Up to a 8% chance for a Meteor to fall on enemies.

Ball Lightning

Discharge a ball of lightning that slowly moves forward, continually zapping enemies for [18% - 25%] damage.
Lucky Hit: Critical Strikes have up to a 25% chance to spawn a static Ball Lightning.

Deep Freeze

Encase yourself in ice, becoming Immune for 4 seconds, continually dealing 25% damage, and Chilling enemies for 14%. When Deep Freeze expires, it deals 100% additional damage. Casting Deep Freeze again ends the effect early.


Summon a fiery serpent that continually constricts the target area, Burning enemies for 295% damage over 8 seconds.

Unstable Currents

Lightning surges within you for 10 seconds. Whenever you cast a Shock Skill, a random Core, Conjuration, or Mastery Shock Skill is also cast.

Align the Elements

You gain [3% - 9%] Damage Reduction against Elites for each second you haven't taken damage from one, up to 40%. This bonus persists for 2 seconds after taking damage.


Lucky Hit: Your Frost Skills have up to a 10% chance to make your next cast of Ice Shards, Frọzen Orb, or Blizzard consume no Mana and deal x40% increased damage. Chance is doubled against Vulnerable enemies.

Cold Front

While you have a Barrier active, you apply [8% - 24%] more Chill.


Your Burning effects deal x20% increased damage, and an additional x2% per unique source of Burning you have applied to the enemy.


Critical Strikes with Shock Skills increase your Movement Speed by + [3% - 9%] for 3 seconds.

Conjuration Mastery

You deal x [1% - 3%] increased damage for each active Conjuration.


Lucky Hit: Shock Skills have up to a [3% - 9%] chance to Stun enemies for 3 seconds.

Coursing Currents

Hitting enemies with Shock Skills increases your Critical Strike Chance by [1% - 3%] . Resets upon getting a Critical Strike.

Crippling Flames

Lucky Hit: Your Pyromancy Skills have up to a [5% - 15%] chance to Immobilize enemies for 2 seconds. This chance is doubled while you are Healthy.


Your Maximum Mana is increased by [3 - 9] .

Devouring Blaze

You deal x [7% - 21%] increased Critical Strike Damage against Burning enemies. If they are also Immobilized, this bonus is increased to x [10% - 30%] .


Enemies deal [5% - 15%] less damage for 5 seconds after being Critically Struck by your Shock Skills.

Elemental Attunement

Lucky Hit: Critical Strikes have up to a [5% - 15%] chance to reset the Cooldown of one of your Defensive Skills. Can only happen once every 10 seconds.

Elemental Dominance

Your Core and Mastery Skills deal x [3% - 9%] increased damage when cast above 50 Mana.

Endless Pyre

You deal increased Burning damage to enemies for each second they remain Burning, up to [5% - 15%] after 5 seconds.

Esu's Ferocity

Your Fire Critical Strike Damage is increased by x25% against enemies above 50% Life. Your Fire Critical Strike Chance is increased by +5% against enemies below 50% Life. Critical Strikes that kill enemies or hit a Boss grant both bonuses against all enemies for 3 seconds. Both bonuses are also granted for 3 seconds when hitting a Boss with a Critical Strike.

Fiery Surge

Killing a Burning enemy increases your Mana Regeneration by [15% - 45%] for 3 seconds.

Frigid Breeze

Lucky Hit: Cold damage against Vulnerable enemies has up to a 20% chance to generate [5 - 15] Mana.

Glass Cannon

You deal x [6% - 18%] increased damage, but take x [3% - 9%] more damage.


You deal x [3% - 9%] increased damage to Chilled enemies, and x [6% - 18%] increased damage to Frozen enemies.

Icy Touch

You deal [4% - 12%] increased Cold damage to Vulnerable enemies.

Icy Veil

Your Barriers have a [5% - 15%] increased duration.

Inner Flames

Your Pyromancy Skills deal x [3% - 9%] increased damage while you are Healthy.

Invigorating Conduit

Upon absorbing Crackling Energy, you gain [4 - 12] Mana.

Mana Shield

Everytime you spend 100 Mana, you gain [7% - 21%] Damage Reduction for 5 seconds.

Overflowing Energy

Crackling Energy hits 1 additional enemy. Each time Crackling Energy hits an enemy, your Shock Skill Cooldowns are reduced by 0.1 seconds, increased to 0.25 seconds against Elites.


Frost Skills deal x [5% - 15%] increased damage to Elites.

Potent Warding

After casting a Non-Basic Skill, you gain [3% - ] Resistance to All Elements and [1% - ] Maximum Resistance to that Skill's element for 9 seconds.

Precision Magic

Your Lucky Hit Chance is increased by + [5% - 15%] .


Using a Cooldown grants [10% - 30%] of your Maximum Life as a Barrier for 3 seconds.


After Freeze expires, enemies explode for 25% of the damage you dealt to them while Frozen.

Shocking Impact

Every time you Stun an enemy, you deal [15% - 45%] Lightning damage to them.

Snap Freeze

Lucky Hit: Frost Skills have up to a [3% - 9%] chance to instantly Freeze.


After standing still for 1.5 seconds, your Pyromancy Skills cost [5% - 15%] less Mana.

Static Discharge

Lucky Hit: Critical Strikes with Shock Skills have up to a [5% - 15%] chance to form a Crackling Energy.

Vyr's Mastery

Close enemies take x15% increased damage from your Shock Skills and deal 20% less damage to you. Critical Strikes increase these bonuses by 25% for 3 seconds.


Every 1 second, you Heal for [0.3% - 0.9%] of your Maximum Life for each Nearby Burning enemy. Healing increased to [0.6% - 1.8%] from Bosses.

Skeletal Warriors

Sword-wielding skeletal minions that deal 30% increased damage but have 15% reduced Life.
- You can raise one additional Skirmisher Warrior.
- Each time you Critically Strike, your Skirmishers Warriors' next attack Critically Strikes and deals x50% bonus Critical Strike damage. Can only happen every 3 seconds.
- Your Critical Strike Chance is increased by +5%, but you can no longer raise Skeletal Warriors.
Durable shield-bearers with 15% increased Life.
- Every 8 seconds your Skeletal Defenders negate the next instance of Direct Damage they would take.
- Increase the amount of Thorns that Defender Warriors inherit from you from 30% to 50%.
- You gain +20% Resistance to All Elements, but you can no longer raise Skeletal Warriors.
Wields a powerful scythe that has a special wind-up attack, dealing heavy damage every 10 seconds.
- Reaper attacks against enemies who are Immobilized, Slowed, Stunned, or Vulnerable reduce the cooldown of their powerful wind-up attack by 2 seconds.
- Reapers have a 15% chance to carve the flesh off enemies, forming a Corpse.
- You deal 10% increased Shadow Damage, but you can no longer raise Skeletal Warriors.

Skeletal Mages

Shadow Mages wield power from the beyond dealing moderate Shadow damage.
- Shadow Mage attacks have a 10% chance to Stun for 2 seconds. This cannot happen on the same enemy more than once every 5 seconds.
- Shadow Mages fire an additional shadow bolt every 4th attack.
- Your maximum Essence is increased by 15, but you can no longer raise Skeletal Mages.
Cold Mages attacks will chill enemies eventually freezing them in their tracks.
- Each time your Cold Mages damage enemies with their primary attack, you gain 2 Essence.
- Enemies who are Frozen by or damaged while Frozen by your Cold Mages' primary attack are made Vulnerable for 3 seconds.
- You deal x15% increased damage to Vulnerable enemies, but you can no longer raise Skeletal Mages.
Bone Mages use their own bodies as projectiles, dealing heavy damage at the cost of their own Life.
- Reduce the Life cost of your Bone Mages' attacks from 15% to 10%. After being alive for 5 seconds, Bone Mages deal x40% increased damage.
- Each time a Bone Mage dies from its own attack, they leave behind a Corpse and Fortify you for 20% of your Maximum Life.
- Your Overpower damage is increased by x25%, but you can no longer raise Skeletal Mages.


A horrid protector that taunts enemies, forcing them to attack the Golem.
- Each time your Bone Golem takes up to 20% of its Maximum Life as damage, it sheds a Corpse.
- Your Bone Golem gains x10% Maximum Life and the amount of Thorns they inherit from you is increased from 30% to 50%.
- You gain +10% increased Attack Speed, but you lose the ability to summon a Golem.
Drains Life from nearby enemies to heal and bolster itself.
- Your Blood Golem absorbs 15% of damage you would take.
- While Healthy, your Blood Golem gains 25% Damage Reduction and x50% increased damage.
- Your Maximum Life is increased by x10%, but you lose the ability to summon a Golem.
An amalgamation of steel that slams the ground and Stuns enemies.
- Every 4th Iron Golem attack causes a shockwave, dealing 16% damage to the primary enemy and to enemies behind them.
- Your Iron Golem's slam attack also makes enemies Vulnerable for 3 seconds.
- You deal x30% increased Critical Strike Damage, but you lose the ability to summon a Golem.

Combo Points

Your Basic Skills now generate Combo Points. Core Skills consume Combo Points for additional effects.

Inner Sight

Attack marked enemies to fill up your Inner Sight gauge. When it's full, gain unlimited Energy for 4 seconds.


Every 100 Energy you spend reduces your Ultimate Skill's Cooldown by 5 seconds. Using an Ultimate Skill resets the Cooldowns of your other Skills.

One-Handed Axe Expertise

+ [5.0%] increased Critical Strike Chance against Injured enemies. Double this amount when using two Axes. Rank 10: Lucky Hit: Critical Strikes have up to a 55% chance to grant +6% increased Attack Speed for 2 seconds. Double the Attack Speed bonus when using two Axes.

One-Handed Mace Expertise

x [10%] increased damage to Stunned enemies. Double this amount when using two Maces. Rank 10: Lucky Hit: Up to a 10% chance to gain Berserking for 1.50 seconds when you hit a Stunned enemy. Double this chance when using two Maces.

One-Handed Sword Expertise

Lucky Hit: Up to a [10%] chance to gain 5 Fury when hitting a Crowd Controlled enemy. Double this chance when using two Swords. Rank 10: Killing a Crowd Controlled enemy grants +15% increased Attack Speed for 3 seconds. Double this amount for kills with two Swords.

Two-Handed Axe Expertise

x [15.0%] increased damage to Vulnerable enemies. Rank 10: +10% increased Critical Strike Chance against Vulnerable enemies.

Polearm Expertise

+ [10%] increased Lucky Hit Chance. Rank 10: You deal x10% increased damage while Healthy.

Two-Handed Sword Expertise

[20%] of direct damage you deal is inflicted as Bleeding damage over 5 seconds. Rank 10: You deal x30% increased Bleeding damage for 5 seconds after killing an enemy.

Two-Handed Mace Expertise

Lucky Hit: Up to a [10%] chance to gain 2 Fury when hitting an enemy. Double the amount of Fury gained while Berserking. Rank 10: You deal x15% increased Critical Strike Damage to Stunned and Vulnerable enemies while Berserking.


Gain [X] Thorns.

Gift of the Stag

Gain 10 Maximum Spirit.


Take 10% reduced damage from Elites.

Advantageous Beast

Reduce the duration of Control Impairing Effects by 15%.

Scythe Talons

Gain +5% increased Critical Strike Chance.

Iron Feather

Gain x14% Maximum Life.

Swooping Attacks

Gain +10% Attack Speed.

Avian Wrath

Gain x30% Critical Strike Damage.

Obsidian Slam

Every 20th kill will cause your next Earth Skill to Overpower


Lucky Hit: Dealing Lightning damage has up to a 40% chance to cause the target to emit a static discharge, dealing 20% Lightning damage to surrounding enemies.


Lucky Hit: Critical Strikes with Shapeshifting Skills have up to a 75% chance to Heal you for 3% Maximum Life.

Calm Before the Storm

Lucky Hit: Nature Magic Skills have up to a 10% chance to reduce the Cooldown of your Ultimate Skill by 2 seconds.


Lucky Hit: Critical Strikes have up to a 20% chance to reset the Cooldowns of your Companion Skills.


Lucky Hit: Dealing damage has up to a 15% chance to restore 10 Spirit.


Fortify for 15% of your Maximum Life when you use a Defensive Skill.


Extend the duration of Ultimate Skills by 25%.