The Conceited Aspect is an Offensive Aspect. It can be imprinted on Gloves, Offhands, 1H Weapons, 2H Weapons, Rings and Amulets. It can be used by any class.
Conceited Aspect
Understanding how to sustain a permanent Barrier to maximize this Aspect's benefits is crucial.
There are numerous strategies for achieving constant Barrier uptime. For instance, Sorcerers have

When utilizing the Conceited Aspect, the key is to determine the best strategy for maintaining permanent Barrier uptime. This capability varies among Classes; some can achieve it effortlessly, while others may find it more challenging. Ultimately, it depends on individual Class mechanics and playstyles.
Deal x[10 - 25]% increased damage while you have a Barrier active.
How to get Conceited Aspect
The Conceited Aspect can only be found as a legendary item from monster or treasure drops, or by gambling with the Purveyor of Curiosities
The best way to get Aspects is to gamble your