The Aspect of Retribution is an Offensive Aspect. It can be imprinted on Gloves, Offhands, 1H Weapons, 2H Weapons, Rings and Amulets. It can be used by any class.
Aspect of Retribution

However, the 20% damage increase might not be compelling enough compared to the benefits offered by other Aspects, considering the limited slots for offensive Aspects.
A notable limitation of the Aspect of Retribution is its conditional nature. Unlike some Aspects that are active most of the time or nearly always, this Aspect's damage bonus only triggers when an enemy is stunned, making it less active overall.
Additionally, since its effectiveness relies on a Crowd Control effect, which doesn't work on bosses except during their staggered state, its utility against bosses is significantly reduced.
While the Aspect of Retribution could find a place in certain builds, it's important to weigh it against other Aspects. Ensuring that you're not foregoing a more consistent and less conditional benefit is key to optimizing your build.
Distant enemies have a 10% chance to be Stunned for 2 seconds when they hit you. You deal x[15 - 30]% increased damage to Stunned or Knocked Down enemies.
How to get Aspect of Retribution
The Aspect of Retribution can be unlocked in your Codex from

The best way to get Aspects is to gamble your