
+[50 - 60] Spell Damage+[50 - 60] Mana-3 Spell Mana Cost
ModifiersWhen you cast Teleport or Transplant you are teleported to a random nearby location, become immune to all damage for 1 second, and gain Chronowarp for 10 seconds.Chronowarp grants 35% increased cast speed and movement speedWhen you cast teleport or transplant you time lock up to 10 enemies around the destination for 1 second. Bosses are slowed instead of time locked.[10% - 35%] Chance to gain Haste for 1 second on Hit3% increased Spell Damage per 1% increased Movement Speed[5% - 10%] increased Cooldown Recovery Speed for Teleport and Transplant
Required Level: 83Legendary Potential Level: 48