Mad Alchemist's Ladle

+[12 - 16] Spell Damage+[20 - 30] Mana-3 Spell Mana Cost
Modifiers+[8% - 48%] Chance to Slow on Spell Hit+[8% - 48%] Chance to Frailty on Spell Hit+[8% - 48%] Chance to Shred Armour on Spell Hit+[8% - 48%] Chance to Electrify on Spell Hit+[8% - 48%] Chance to Poison on Spell Hit6% more Damage per Negative Ailment on the Target (up to 8)+1% increased Cast Speed per 2 Intelligence1 Mana Gained on Potion Use per 4 Intelligence
Infused with countless potions, its effects are very unpredictable.Required Level: 17