Reowyn's Fortress

Reowyn's Fortress
Two-Handed StaffUnique Travelling Staff
Range: 2.6
Base attack rate: 0.92
LP36% | 10% | 1% | 0.027%
+16 Melee Damage+[3 - 5] Spell Damage-3 Spell Mana Cost
Modifiers+[3 - 6] All Attributes+[1 - 3] to Runic Invocation+[12 - 18] Spell Damage per Active Rune+[30 - 36] Armour per Rah Rune+[48 - 54] Dodge Rating per Heo Rune+[12 - 18] Ward per Second per Gon Rune+1 Spell Damage with Runic Invocation per 10 Armour, Dodge Rating, or Ward, whichever is lowest.
"I have long travelled the north, Aergon. I have seen the great stone ruins at Reimhaven and Kolheim and I have seen the frozen blood of their ancient defenders. No tower can stand forever and those walls shall not avail you when the flames descends. You must strike first." - Reowyn's last letter to the mages of Oerden's Watch.Required Level: 24