Lament of the Lost Refuge

Lament of the Lost Refuge
Two-Handed SpearUnique Rat City Impaler
Range: 3
Base attack rate: 0.98
LP23% | 2% | 0.078% | 0%
+160 Melee Damage+[92 - 108] Spell Void Damage
ModifiersVolcanic Orb Converted to Void100% chance to gain Corrupted Heraldry when you cast Volcanic OrbCorrupted Heraldry stacks up to 12 times and each stack lasts 12 seconds.[24% - 36%] chance to gain Corrupted Heraldry when hit by Shrapnel from Volcanic Orb5% Increased Movement Speed and Mana Regen per stack of Corrupted Heraldry+5 Spell Void Damage per stack of Corrupted HeraldryAll stacks of Corrupted Heraldry are lost when you use a Movement Skill+[18% - 30%] of Remaining Volcanic Orb Cooldown Recovered when you use a Melee Attack and hit at least one Enemy
"I can hear them skitter, scratching at the walls. Their cries echo through these caverns like the wails of those lost outside. Just rats for now, but ‘they’ are lost no longer, they come back to us now, but different - corrupted."Required Level: 60