Tu'rani's Bident

Tu'rani's Bident
Two-Handed SpearUnique Impaler
Range: 3
Base attack rate: 0.94
LP28% | 4% | 0.228% | 0%
+33 Melee Damage+[30% - 39%] Melee Critical Strike Multiplier
Modifiers+[16 - 22] Lightning Throwing Damage with Javelin+100% of Javelin Damage Converted To LightningIncludes all base and added damage100% of Bleed and Ignite Chance converted to Electrify Chance for Javelin[100% - 160%] Lightning Penetration with Electrify+[16% - 22%] Lightning PenetrationWhen you use Javelin you gain a stack of Tu'rani's Thunder for 4 seconds. Each stack grants +[8 - 12] Spell Lightning Damage.
Matron Tu'rani is still revered amongst the nagasa for leading the first successful campaign against the Osprix. Striking them out of the sky with javelins and thunderbolts, she drove them back into the Mountains of the Sun, liberating the town of Kel'tha.Required Level: 48