Apathy's Maw

Apathy's Maw
Two-Handed AxeUnique Obsidian Axe
Range: 2.4
Base attack rate: 0.92
LP21% | 2% | 0.047% | 0%
+101 Melee Damage[75% - 110%] increased Physical Damage[75% - 110%] increased Minion Physical Damage
Modifiers+[90 - 120] Melee Void Damage+100% Chance to Doom on Hit[20% - 50%] Increased Doom Duration[20% - 50%] Void Penetration with Doom[50% - 100%] increased Melee Damage[50% - 100%] Increased Leech Rate
Forsake the darkening sky and let the ground swallow your mind.Required Level: 65