The Shattered Cycle

The Shattered Cycle
SceptreUnique Obsidian Sceptre
Range: 1.9
Base attack rate: 0.98
LP18% | 1% | 0.021% | 0%
+55 Melee Damage+[55 - 65] Spell Damage
Modifiers+[1 - 2] to Runic InvocationAfter you directly cast a One Rune Invocation you gain Dawn to DuskDirectly casting a Two Rune Invocation consumes Dawn to Dusk to gain +48 Spell Damage and 24% increased area and grant you Dusk to MidnightDirectly casting a Three Rune Invocation consumes Dusk to Midnight to gain +96 Spell Damage and 48% increased area[24% - 36%] increased Cast Speed[24% - 36%] increased Mana Regen
Required Level: 72