Gaspar's Will

+55 Melee Damage+[55 - 65] Spell Damage
Modifiers+[7 - 12] Spell Void Damage+[135% - 245%] Chance to Ignite on Spell Void Hit[14% - 28%] increased Fire Cast Speed100% Chance to cast Decimate when you use a Fire Spell (4 second cooldown)Cooldown can only be reduced by set bonus, not other stats.
I failed to protect. I failed to lead. Destruction is all that is left.50% Cooldown Reduction for Decimate (2 items)Reduces the cooldown for proccing Decimate15% more Damage to Bosses and Rare Enemies (3 items)100% Increased Area with Decimate (3 items)
Required Level: 75