Melvern's Writ

+[4% - 6%] Cold Resistance+[4% - 6%] Fire Resistance
Modifiers+1 Crossbow MercenariesMercenaries are minions and are resummoned after a while if they die.[70% - 90%] increased Minion Bow Damage+[2% - 3%] Minion Bow Critical Strike Chance[20% - 40%] Increased Chance To Find Potions+[6 - 8] Dexterity
"If Liath will not afford me guards I will purchase my own. Deliver this writ to Skalnir, along with the gold, and bring me back enough mercenaries to secure caravans to Vul'Kaur." - Trade Prince MelvernRequired Level: 48Legendary Potential Level: 20