Corsair's Blood Cowl

+152 Armor[5% - 12%] Increased Cooldown Recovery Speed[52% - 86%] Increased Stun Chance
Modifiers[17% - 35%] Physical Penetration with Bleed[17% - 35%] Increased Bleed Duration[17% - 35%] increased Block Effectiveness[35% - 85%] Increased Chance To Find Potions[35% - 85%] Increased Area of mirage attacks with Lethal MirageThis does not increased the area in which mirages appear in.
Standing up to the Empire, not giving in to temptation, the Corsairs of the Scoured Reefs are among the last standing men and women with running blood in their veins.+100% of Glancing Blow Chance Converted to Block Chance (2 items)35% less Necrotic Damage Taken (2 items)
Required Level: 57Required Class: Rogue