Lich's Envy

+28 Armor[7% - 14%] increased Mana Regen
Modifiers+[14 - 24] Spell Fire Damage for Damage Over Time Spells+[14 - 24] Spell Fire Damage for Infernal Shade per Active Dread ShadeDepends on the number of Dread Shades Active when Infernal Shade is cast[28% - 48%] Increased Area for Infernal Shade per Active Dread ShadeDepends on the number of Dread Shades Active when Infernal Shade is cast[-14 - -8] Mana Cost for Infernal Shade[-14 - -8] Mana Cost for Dread Shade
+4 Maximum Shades (2 items)Affects the maximum number of Infernal and Dread Shades.
Required Level: 64