Immolator's Oblation

+4 Potion Slots
Modifiers[46% - 100%] Chance to Ignite yourself when you use a Fire or Necrotic Skill+[2 - 6] Spell Damage for Fire and Necrotic skills per stack of Ignite on You (up to 20 stacks)[4% - 6%] Chance to gain Frenzy for 2 seconds when you directly use a Fire or Necrotic skill per stack of Ignite on You[10% - 16%] Increased Ignite Duration100% chance to Cleanse All Ailments on Potion UseCleanses all negative ailments such as slow and ignite, but not stun and freeze, which are not ailments.
The pyromancers following the Fire Lich, Cremorus, perfected the technique of burning their own souls to fuel their dark magic.Required Level: 46