Extremely Fast Obol Farming by Utilizing Instance Swapping
Get up to 1000 Obols in 10 minutes

The area just northeast of Gea Kul is gaining attention among gamers for its lucrative farming potential.
This spot lies just outside of town and has become a hotbed for players seeking to quickly accumulate

Two World Events
What makes this area particularly attractive are the two world events located between Pale Sands and Scorched Plateau. Players can repeatedly activate these events, creating a highly efficient loop for resource gathering.
When crossing borders between two zones, the game has a high chance of putting you in a different server instance, with a higher probability of the event still being active.
The proximity and frequency of these events allow for a rapid accumulation of rewards, with some players reporting earnings of up to

Diablo 4 Gambling Tool Guide: Maximize Your Legendary Aspect Odds
What to do with Murmuring Obols

Because you can target specific item types, and some aspects are more likely to spawn on certain item types, you can effectivly target the aspect you need for your build.
I have created a usefeful Aspect Gambling Tool to help you determine which item type you need to gamble for when targetting a specific aspect.